Client Transformations

Imagine a life where you no longer seek validation from others but instead feel valued and adored for who you truly are. Picture yourself stepping into a world of luxurious living, where empowerment and self-worth are your guiding principles. 

Through our partnership, you will cultivate a deep sense of self-love, self-acceptance, and the confidence to make choices that align with your true desires.

Here are some of the ways transformation have happened for people just like you.


Confused, anxious, and frustrated to clear and confident

“While my mind danced in pure denial, my body woke me up 6 years ago with the sudden onset of panic attacks. An emergency room trip and a couple thousand dollars of medical testing later and I finally opened my eyes to the fact that I was in a toxic marriage where I was being gaslit to believe that I had zero worth. I clawed my way out with the help of therapist who was able to help me control my anxiety initially.

Once the crisis had passed I started dating again. Two years divorced, a million first dates, a handful of second dates, 1 fully unsatisfying an on and off fling and 3 therapists I could never really connect with later - I found myself searching the internet for answers on how I just kept repeating the same patterns over and over. Google led me to find Legan’s bio and I was intrigued, so I scheduled a discovery session.

Fifteen minutes with Legan and I was hooked. I jumped two feet into coaching with Legan and never looked back. Two more years and countless sessions later, I’m in such a better place. I can finally say I’m happy and mean it. I’m no longer chasing the next “high” or constantly people pleasing. I no longer require the validation of others to feel good about myself. Yes, I did the work, but Legan led the way entirely. I would be years away from this type of inner peace, insight and ability to set boundaries without Legan. Legan’s kind nonjudgemental demeanor helped me gather insight into how I was contributing to my own situation and helped me overcome the habits I had formed starting back even in my childhood. These deep patterns are hard to break and Legan continues to support me as I explore new vulnerabilities. I will forever be changed and eternally grateful due to Legan’s presence in my journey. “


From spiritual seeking to internal healing

“I have been on an avid thorough search for peace and feeling good for as long as I can remember. Starting in 2011 I read every spiritual book I could get my hands on and I have had endless sessions with every healer, Psychic, and therapist that I could find.

Legan is BY FAR the best I have ever EVER worked with. She is the first one that has enabled me to actually make significant positive changes in my life. Before Legan, I was just intellectually gathering more information. Legan has taught me how to actually change my life for the better.

The work I have done with her has allowed me to feel comfortable happy and especially joyful every single day. Legan is absolutely incredible. We are so lucky to have access to her now.

My very best advice to you is to sign up today for as many sessions as you can afford. When she's on the New York Times' best seller list and Oprah is interviewing her (and her sessions are 15k) you will thank me!”

Work With Me

Book Legan For a Workshop

Legan is thrilled to bring her expertise to your event. Expect an engaging experience that will leave your attendees inspired, motivated, and equipped with the tools to create positive change in their lives.

Read Legan’s Journal

Go behind the scenes to get inspired by Legan’s stories, real-life conversations with clients, and relatable topics.

Hire Legan as a Life Coach

Full of compassion and positive guidance, with the perfect amount of tough love to keep you moving forward. Learn more about Legan Lyon’s exclusive 1:1 coaching programs.


Trapped and afraid to living life on her own terms

“Working with Legan has been truly transformative, surpassing the impact of any previous therapeutic experiences in my life. Throughout the span of over a year, I have embarked on a profound journey that initially involved confronting painful childhood traumas. However, as time progressed, I discovered a newfound sense of confidence and strength within myself. The person I have become is someone I genuinely admire and appreciate.

The past year proved to be an immense challenge, marked by the dissolution of my 31-year marriage. Despite the emotional turmoil, it was also a year of remarkable success in my professional life. Balancing the weight of both pain and achievement was undeniably draining. Nevertheless, this arduous process allowed me to recognize the importance of advocating for my own well-being. It granted me the courage to liberate myself from a soul-crushing relationship that was hindering my personal growth.”


Emotionally drowning to aligned living

“When I first considered coaching I was in a place of fear and uncertainty in every aspect of my life, including areas of my life where I already felt successful. I was focused outward rather than in. I was trying to logically sort through every situation in my life. I was stressed and struggling to enjoy even the joy my life offered me. I was drowning emotionally.

Coaching helped me practice and get strong in trusting that I knew what was right for me so I could stop mentally talking myself out of what I knew to be good for me. Coaching with Legan gave me ways to take different actions in my life. Maybe more importantly, the understanding of when not to take action! This practice gave me confidence. The more those actions - or inactions - were successful the stronger my ability to make choices that align with my value became.

And everything I was trying to make happen, just started happening ! Coaching with Legan helped me get out of my own way and get into alignment with my values.

It has been life transforming.”


Her monumental growing experience

“When I found Legan, I was in a very painful and attached relationship with what felt like no way out. I had a fear of leaving because I believed that it was all that I deserved. I also had a fear of staying and settling. I was an out-of-control yo-yo.

From the first time I talked with Legan, there was an instant connection. Throughout our time together, I never felt judged or uncomfortable. She helped me see how I was creating the problems that I was trying to avoid. She helped me work through my fears and beliefs that there was no one else out there for me. She helped me grow my value, worth, and to step out of my comfort zone.

Legan helped me realize that I was not the communicator I thought I was. Instead, I was the control freak I thought I wasn’t. Through all of this, I was able to leave my attached relationship for good. Although extremely painful, it was truly a monumental growing experience.

I’m now happy to say that I’m in a healthy relationship where I speak my feelings and my truths every day. I have less fear around scarcity and I know that no matter what happens, I trust myself and I will be okay.

Legan has also helped me with fears around work, feeling stupid, with body shaming and much more. I don’t think I will ever be able to put down on paper what she has done for me. All I can say is that I’m eternally grateful.”

Work With Me

Book Legan For a Workshop

Legan is thrilled to bring her expertise to your event. Expect an engaging experience that will leave your attendees inspired, motivated, and equipped with the tools to create positive change in their lives.

Read Legan’s Journal

Go behind the scenes to get inspired by Legan’s stories, real-life conversations with clients, and relatable topics.

Hire Legan as a Life Coach

Full of compassion and positive guidance, with the perfect amount of tough love to keep you moving forward. Learn more about Legan Lyon’s exclusive 1:1 coaching programs.


Years of anxiously dating and waiting are over

“Working with Legan through one-on-one coaching has completely transformed my life for the better. I decided to try coaching, so I could have some direct help talking through my issues. I cannot recommend coaching enough. Listening to podcasts, reading books, etc, those things are all great, but I would be nowhere I am today without Legan’s help.

When I started, I was a totally different person than I am now. I had been through a miscarriage and a painful breakup with my long-term partner, then fresh out of a short-term toxic relationship. I was addicted to chemistry, and completely numb to my own feelings, struggling with anxiety and addiction issues.

Legan helped me work through these issues one by one, digging into things to get to the cause. She gave me tools and insights that worked effectively that I am able to take with me post-coaching. Today, I am in a happy and healthy relationship with a loving partner. The best part is that those awful anxiety feelings are a thing of the past, and if they resurface I know how to deal with them.

I am forever grateful to Legan for her compassionate and positive guidance. I only wish I would have found this sooner.”


No longer crippled by fear of rejection

“Anxiety, fear, panic attacks, secrets, and not being good enough are the feelings I have struggled with for years. The day I made a phone call to Legan was one of the hardest days of my life! I knew I had to be honest with myself and her if I was going to be released from the prison I was in. I was scared! Keeping it hidden was safer I thought. Being a born-again Christian, I believed I should rely on God to help me through this. Was my faith not strong enough? God gives us people in our lives to help us. I believe Legan is that person for me.

My journey with Legan has been one of the hardest but most freeing things in my life. She never once told me how I should feel or not feel. She has guided me into knowing and believing I am enough, I am loved, and I can be who God made me to be. Is every day perfect? No! Do the old feelings still creep in? Yes! But, Legan has given me tools to help me combat those old feelings, so they no longer control me.

Thank you Legan Lyons for guiding, teaching, and being the light I needed in my life. My journey is not over, but because of Legan, I am enjoying the ride!”


Happy and unafraid after years of failed relationships

“After a failed marriage and engagement, I never thought it would be possible to have a healthy  sustaining relationship with anyone. That is until I started working with Legan. She has helped me learn and discover my inner self. To truly honor my feelings and communicate openly with my partner.  Thanks to her coaching, I am for the first time in my life in a happy and healthy relationship.”

Work With Me

Book Legan For a Workshop

Legan is thrilled to bring her expertise to your event. Expect an engaging experience that will leave your attendees inspired, motivated, and equipped with the tools to create positive change in their lives.

Read Legan’s Journal

Go behind the scenes to get inspired by Legan’s stories, real-life conversations with clients, and relatable topics.

Hire Legan as a Life Coach

Full of compassion and positive guidance, with the perfect amount of tough love to keep you moving forward. Learn more about Legan Lyon’s exclusive 1:1 coaching programs.


Therapy wasn’t enough…finally unstuck and feeling loved

“Prior to meeting Legan and utilizing her coaching services, I had been working with therapists and utilizing other modalities such as EMDR. I felt like I had made a lot of progress, but I was still struggling with a lot of uncertainty, self doubt, anxiety, and fear. 

When I first started working with Legan, I had recently left a marriage and felt stuck in nearly every area of my life. Sitting with my feelings was absolutely terrifying. It is still uncomfortable, but I have learned so much about myself and my needs by experiencing them. I am speaking my needs more and more and continuously met by kindness and compassion by those around me. 

I am now in a relationship where I am fully seen and loved. I have seen the power and potential that I have, and look forward to continuing the work Legan helped give me guidance to start.”


Experiencing emotional freedom in motherhood and marriage

“As a queer middle aged person living in the South, having a weekly refuge of one hour where I could experience total acceptance, affirming encouragement, and expansive compassion was game changing. Working with Legan revealed I still carried internalized homophobia I thought was resolved years ago. She role modeled practical strategies for total self-acceptance and profound self-care. A few months ago, I dreaded getting out of bed each morning. I didn’t want to face the day. Now I wake up feeling calm, confident, and optimistic. I know I am going to weave self-compassion and self-love throughout my day. This approach has added peace to my marriage, parenting, friendships, and career in a way I did not anticipate. Today I can authentically say “I am brave and proud.”

My spouse and I had an awesome experience completing a couples coaching package with Legan. We gained awareness as individuals and brought these insights into our interactions and commitment. We became kinder to ourselves and each other. A year later we adopted two toddlers. I felt lost and alone in the whirlwind of my new day-to-day stay at home Mom life. I reached out to Legan because I knew how compassionate, non-judgemental, and helpful her realistic guidance would be. I believed I could build on the skills I previously learned and bring a more evolved version of myself to my parenting role. Reconnecting with Legan is one of the best decisions I have made since becoming a parent. With sincere kindness, she helped me re-frame my approach and view of myself as a parent and my interactions with my children. With each week that passed, I felt happier, more optimistic, and more compassionate towards myself. Instead of getting frustrated I would find myself laughing or connected to an inner well of care and love. My children sensed the shift and responded to each other and their own circumstances with more humor and care- imitating the great skills Legan was helping me cultivate. I am grateful to have Legan as a healing guide. Initially, it was hard for me to make the financial investment. Now that I have completed the coaching package, I feel it is one of the best financial and self-care decisions I have ever made.”