Coaching Services

There’s a whole industry out there that wants to hook you on podcasts, courses, and self-help books.

I’m not saying that they don’t contribute. But if you’re like me and the dozens and dozens of happy clients I’ve served, therapy and the DIY approach weren’t getting it done.

I am dedicated to guiding you toward extraordinary results and profound personal growth. With a customized approach and my unwavering support, we will unravel limiting beliefs, break patterns, and ignite lasting transformation.

My Coaching Products


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Long-lasting transformation happens on a deep and subconscious level. Shine your light on your patterns, and the beliefs you hold that are driving them in 6 months of coaching.

You will anchor in lasting change, because you’ll discover the action needed to break the patterns once and for all! The same loop of people, events and feelings will no longer be your story on repeat.

You don’t have to figure out the “how”. That’s my job!

Show up.

Be open.

Trust your process of discovery.

This is my favorite offering, because it’s truly the only way to have a life that has a foundation of being and feeling light and good.

You’ll start feeling different, and understand on a deeper level how you’re contributing to what you know you don’t want. As a result… you’ll feel more empowered immediately.


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Begin to taste a life driven by courage! Start to feel and envision yourself living life through a different lens… the lens of emotional freedom.

Experience breakthroughs surrounding some of your most infuriating blocks in 4 months of coaching.

Launch your life into alignment, with who you really are, what you are here to do, and be it.

Can you transform from high-level anxiety and fear, to a life driven by joy in 13 sessions? I’ll be honest, no. However, this is one way to start.

If commitment scares you (as it does most people that have not yet invested in themselves), this is a good place to start.

You’ll gain insight into the fears holding you back from what you say you want, and you’ll begin to see yourself as courageous, resilient and capable of anything!

(Because you are!)


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These sessions are all about clarity. Let’s skim the surface of your deeper work involved in lasting change. This is your window to see why you have what you have, and where you can go!

If you are in a situation that is causing you frustration and pain; OR you’re noticing a pattern around either… there is a reason why!

Find out what that is… and why this feeling of powerlessness and dis-satisfaction is reappearing in your life. Best of all: find out what you can do about it in 6 sessions/2 months of coaching.

The Results

"Coaching with Legan helped me get out of my own way and get into alignment with my values. It has been life-transforming"

— D

"Legan has also helped me with fears around work, feeling stupid, with body shaming and much more. I don’t think I will ever be able to put down on paper what she has done for me. All I can say is that I’m eternally grateful.”

— B

"Working with Legan through one-on-one coaching has completely transformed my life for the better."

— K