My Story — How I Became a Life Coach

I remember thinking so often:

“Why am I not happier?”

I would be at a 5-star restaurant or a fancy hotel, looking the part while feeling alone, empty, and wanting. Worst of all, I felt hopeless. At this point in my life, I had technically reached my goals. Or, at least, I thought I had. I had married the right guy and gotten the degrees. I had done everything right—I attended church every Sunday and worked hard to be everything to everyone.

I thought it would lead me to a feeling of satisfaction and contentment, but I didn’t feel either.

On the inside, I felt numb, unappreciated, used, inadequate, guilty, trapped, and always anxious. I wanted a way out, but I didn’t know what I wanted to escape. I settled for living for my next dopamine hit in the form of approval/attention, exercise, my next purchase, or the next girl’s night out. I lived hoping that it would be enough.

I’m so glad it wasn’t. 

Nothing in your life is a coincidence or a result of you being someone destined to struggle. I used to think it was. “I don’t get what I want” was a story that played over and over in my head regardless of the circumstances.

I was scared to death of disappointment and of what others thought about me. I was making all of my choices from a place of fear and had no idea the impact it was having.

Do you want to find out why you are where you are, why you feel the way you do, and do something to change it?

When I was a little girl I wanted to be an archeologist.  I loved the idea of unearthing what was buried, and then putting the pieces together to unveil something magnificent.  What I didn’t realize was that as an adult, I would become my biggest excavation project, and in doing so, I would change my life.  

At 36 years of age, despite all my achievements, and the picture of perfection that was my yearly holiday card, I finally got honest with myself about the way I felt in the life I had created.  It wasn’t pretty, but living a lie of performing and people-pleasing, and the anxiety that ensued as a result, was no longer an option for me.  

I had tried therapy off and on for years, in addition to a million other methodologies, but knew I needed something different.  I hired a life coach who helped me transform the way I showed up in the world.  This inner metamorphosis revealed to me that I had the power to have what I wanted all along.  It felt like a miracle.  

With a new sense of self-acceptance and self-love, I finally felt as valuable as I appeared.  I felt a deep sense of well-being that I had never experienced before.  And as a result, everything changed for the better.  

My journey has brought me to a place of wholeness, and my experience as a teacher and a counselor is an advantage, as I take you into the hidden parts of yourself. As you see yourself for the first time, you will begin to feel as valuable as you might appear on the outside.  

After years of running and searching, I finally feel at home.  I finally feel free.  If I can do this, I know you can too.  I know you can have the change you want.

Do you want to feel what that change will bring? Do you want to experience what you are here for? It truly is possible!

Today, my mission is to teach people how to no longer live for moments of perfection. Those only give you a shot of relief that you’re merely surviving. You no longer have to live a life where you go through the motions, feel empty, and wonder when something big will happen to wake you up.

Here is your wake-up call: I’m talking about a life where you feel emotionally free to be YOU. You feel what you read. Whether it’s the bible or the next self-help bestseller. My mission is to teach you how to take what you know intellectually and feel it on a deeper level. This leads to a life of emotional strength. This leads to a life of feeling satisfied and connected to all areas of your life. This leads to a life of empowerment, fulfillment, peace, and joy.

So, If you’re ready to have a glowing confidence that you exude to the outside while feeling it on the inside… you’re at the right place. It just takes an ounce of courage to start.

Are you ready? 


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